Today, I was privileged to attend a special screening of the Mandela movie with one of my daughters. Though I have read the book on which the movie was based, I was nonetheless moved by the Mandela story. It is
What are the measurements for progress in a nation? Clearly every student told to mark his own essay will cheat somehow. President Jonathan challenged his opponents when he said in his speech recently that those that seek to mark his
Changing Nigerian Political Landscape. The Nigerian political commentaries never cease to amaze me. With the Jonathan administration scoring itself high and the opposition scoring him as poor; it again emphasizes the age-old wisdom that the truth is always between the
Why most Nigerians do not trust President Jonathan and his administration. As the Cuban missile crisis raged in October 1962; the US president sat in the White House and called the leaders of the key nations that were members of
I wrote an article on the seven vital things you must know about the Lagos new traffic law a couple of days ago. Since then, I have been besieged by people asking for more clarifications and analysis of other areas
I read today’s piece in the Sun Newspaper by Reuben Abati titled: THE JONATHAN THEY DON’T KNOW. (Link is: As official spokesmen go; Abati has done a bland job of promoting his boss and his administration. But clearly what
A common constitutional argument in Nigeria is the fact that as a Federal Republic; the states should be the strongest tier of government with a weak centre giving the states power and room to assert their individuality. This is the