Empty Promises Full of Corruption Recently, I wrote (as part of this series) a blog on how the unreliability of government statistics in Nigeria has made it more difficult to assess progress in the country on many fronts. It is
I was on my way to Ibadan from Lagos in early December 2012; but had to abandon the trip due to the intolerable jam caused by road closures as a result of President Goodluck Jonathan’s visit to RCCG’s Holy Ghost
I wrote an article on the seven vital things you must know about the Lagos new traffic law a couple of days ago. Since then, I have been besieged by people asking for more clarifications and analysis of other areas
The new traffic laws in Lagos has generated a lot of news footprint over the past few weeks and I also wrote about it in a previous article on the need for effective implementation to avoid chaos on Lagos roads.
I read today’s piece in the Sun Newspaper by Reuben Abati titled: THE JONATHAN THEY DON’T KNOW. (Link is: https://sunnewsonline.com/new/opinion/abati-the-jonathan-they-dont-know). As official spokesmen go; Abati has done a bland job of promoting his boss and his administration. But clearly what
A common constitutional argument in Nigeria is the fact that as a Federal Republic; the states should be the strongest tier of government with a weak centre giving the states power and room to assert their individuality. This is the