The verdict of the Kenyan Supreme Court yesterday, annulling and voiding last month’s presidential election contains a lot of lessons for many common law countries of the commonwealth and Nigeria in particular. The reason for my conclusion is the technical
The key to Transformation of Lagos State I wrote a recent blog on the danger of Lagos state government speeding ahead and leaving the rest of the nation behind in progressive developments and proactive legal framework. I am a supporter
Ever since the agrarian society of centuries ago, people have been the main factor of production in many societies. Even with the advent of the industrial revolution, machines that were created needed a lot of human input and control to
Policing Nigeria seems to be getting harder for the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) due to the misguided agendas of the politicians who seem bent on destroying whatever is left of the operational effectiveness of the police. The NPF has been
The Federal Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun has been all over the media lately trumpeting the government’s increasingly assertive drive to collect taxes. The Vice President has said as much in recent interviews and he even went further to announce
Volenti non fit Injuria in a Latin phrase that means ‘to one who volunteers, no harm is done’. Volenti is an established common law doctrine which states that if a person willingly places himself in a position where an harm
As President Trump is finding out, running a business (no matter how large the corporation is) is a different kettle of fish from running a democratic country. While experience of managing a large corporation gives you a lot of transferable
Any student with a basic knowledge of Research will know to treat with caution and care any information obtained from the Internet. But with the availability of mobile internet in Nigeria, there has been a major shift that many should
What is it that makes us identify with other people as we go about our daily lives? What is the natural context for human existence and interactions? We tend to gravitate towards people who we believe are like us, even
In my last post, I advised President Mohammadu Buhari (PMB) to go narrow and deep in his approach to governance. This requires him to focus on narrow areas of policy and dive deeply into them to embed irreversible change for