Let me warn that this is a very long post indeed. Consequently, I have divided this Thread into Parts 1 & 2 to make it more manageable to read. I will explain the pathology in Part 1 and then focus
The biggest perception causal problem that the PMB government have today is the same as during his first term. That is a lack of Strategic Communication Strategy. I once said in a blog in 2017 that Lai Mohammed is one
In my view, our imperfect Constitution has remained so, partly due to Judicial activism of revisionist judges. Courts should be throwing back to the Legislators unclear areas of the Const, for democratic change by the people. Court should not make
This Bill is 95% copied from the Singaporean Law passed this year; although the Singapore version has a lot more Guidance Notes which this Bill lacks. Hence the Singaporean version is 81pages long while this Bill is only 35 pages.
I was recently sent (by a reliable source) a copy of the Hate Speech (Prohibition) Bill, 2019 going through the National Assembly, popularly known as the “Hate Speech Bill”. The website of the NA does not have a copy of
The activities of the State Security Service (SSS) is now a daily news headline in Nigeria. This is a shame because a security outfit, setup to be most discreet is now itself in the news every week. This fact already
Legislations is never a replacement for Education. Globally, the urge to legislate for every possible bad human behaviour has been recognised as unnecessary. The 9th NA should avoid the temptation to see new laws as solutions to old and emerging
A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Globally, the functions of a central bank are well established. The apex bank is a key player in a nation’s economy. Its focus on monetary policy is usually aimed at maintaining inflation rate within agreed band or