The expansionist socialist leaning of APC amounts to BIG govt. In the 2019 budget proposal, the total Revenue is approx N6Trillion. But the Recurrent (4T) & Debt servicing (2T) is also N6Trillion. So the Capital exp is mostly out of
Anyway, while Osinbajo provided leadership & a national sense of purpose on the ground in Nigeria (Buhari would return and swiftly roll back Nigeria to the 17th century), how did President Buhari and his handlers handle the question of his
When I speak about need to improve education in Nigeria & failure of govt to act; u abuse & insult me to defend your party. Who is most affected by the failures? Me that my children are all schooling in
We must hold our Government to high standards. In civilised Nations; there is a convention of “Purder Period” during elections. This is a period after which incumbent govt cannot announce or implement new policies with public fund that can be
I have read BOTH parties docs. It is clear PDP is Right-Leaning & APC is Left-leaning. I have problems with both Manifestoes. They lack serious ambition for us & both read like docs for a short 4yr term rather than
We need to wake up to the problems of the Politics of Poverty in Nigeria. According to NBS figures, looking at economic cycles, we have periods of Economic growth & downturns; But the poverty level grew in Nigeria during BOTH
The expectations of Nigerians of Politicians have been historically low for decades after several dashed hopes by new leaders who simply became as bad as its predecessor. With the non-payment of salaries, the expectation became even lower. This reality is
Government can be about policy, politics and taking specific steps and counter-steps to address the needs of the nation and its citizens. But for a president, Leadership also has to be able telling stories. It is about painting a picture
This deliberate vagueness or incompetence allows every side to claim legality of disciplinary action when the Act says NOTHING about it. Madness. I concur! I’ve always been interested in legislative drafting, sadly, there’s very little taught at Law school, I
I read today the entire National Health Insurance Scheme Act & a couple of other Acts. The quality of legal drafting in Nigeria is poor. It’s either deliberate mischief in intended or the drafters are inexperienced. We need better quality