Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus tempus nibh sed maximus ullamcorper. Sed quis odio placerat, pharetra sem nec, aliquam orci. Maecenas dolor risus, lobortis in felis in, porttitor fermentum neque. Nunc ac erat ut ante imperdiet mollis ac sed libero.
One fact I have always accepted is that if everyone on this planet were like me, this will be a boring place for us all. Hence the diversity of temperaments, likes and dislikes make the earth a more dynamic,
The key to Transformation of Lagos State
I wrote a recent blog on the danger of Lagos state government speeding ahead and leaving the rest of the nation behind in progressive developments and proactive legal framework. I am a
As President Trump is finding out, running a business (no matter how large the corporation is) is a different kettle of fish from running a democratic country. While experience of managing a large corporation gives you a lot of
Any student with a basic knowledge of Research will know to treat with caution and care any information obtained from the Internet. But with the availability of mobile internet in Nigeria, there has been a major shift that many
What is it that makes us identify with other people as we go about our daily lives? What is the natural context for human existence and interactions? We tend to gravitate towards people who we believe are like us,
In my last post, I advised President Mohammadu Buhari (PMB) to go narrow and deep in his approach to governance. This requires him to focus on narrow areas of policy and dive deeply into them to embed irreversible change
The change expectations on President Buhari are now an accepted expectancy in Nigeria, but how should he approach this mammoth agenda. Nigeria is a vast and complex country with intertwined imponderables and interdependent interests and realities. But without taking
One of the revelations of this presidential campaign is how emasculated and disgracefully inefficient our traditional media is in Nigeria. Online debates are more muscular and dynamic in my view. But 80% of Nigerians do not have access.
It never cease to amaze me the lack of intellectual rigour and silliness of many Nigerians on Social Media. These people seem to think that if a story is anywhere on the Internet, then it must be true. They